Numbers can answer any and every question you ever have!
Numerology calculates your energy chart, how you’re coded and this answers any and every question you ever have.
Knowing your code exponentially increases your confidence in both life and business along with freedom to choose
“When I heard about a business coach who is also a numerologist, I didn’t understand the connection whatsoever.
After talking with Daphne, it became so crystal clear.
How have people been doing it without numerology?!”
Janine Bell “Thanks Divorce” Podcast Host
Here are 11 ways understanding how you’re coded increases your confidence:
💜Exponentially increases your ability to choose what’s best for you and your business which increases your confidence and sense of freedom.
💜You know who you are – who you were born as rather than who the world told you to be which empowers you to give yourself radical permission to show up fully as you, and to understand and accept every part of who you are.
💜You deepen your understanding of your role in relationships – personal or business including significant others, family, clients, teams or groups.
💜You understand your gifts and growth edges which means you own them and stand strongly in them, be aware of how they influence your behavior, and of possibilities and potential, regardless of whatever else is happening around you.
💜You know your contribution to the world, the medicine you bring which increases your confidence in asking for and receiving money for your services.
💜You know who your ideal client is and how to connect with them – you’ll understand the unique energy they carry, their deepest fears and desires, and the result they receive from working with you. This gets you more clients and more money fast by eliminating all the guess-work.
💜Your sense of enoughness is increased and your not-enoughness is reduced because when you know your energetic DNA, how you’re coded, you’re empowered to be aligned with your code.
💜The more you lean into your code the more you open yourself up to receiving the prosperity you desire.
💜You get to lean into your personal energy and harness it to support your personal growth and leverage its potential
💜You have your very own ‘owner’s manual’ for your life – your ‘cheat-sheet’ for business and life, your energetic map for living the life you were born for – with no excuses.
💜The more deeply you know yourself – through understanding your code – the better you are able to create the lifestyle you desire for you and your family.
What question do you have $FIRSTNAME$?
Message me with your question, I’ll run your numbers and answer it for you.