Discern and Initiate

Discern and Initiate

Discern what stays and what goes When you release what is no longer aligned for you you open space for fresh potential and innovations, new possibilities and opportunities. Your energy is your contribution to the world     Listen in to the details of this...
Self-awareness is crucial

Self-awareness is crucial

Go deeper and deeper     4 habits of highly successful leaders: ♥️Self-awareness is the starting point of all transformation. ♣️Deepen your dedication even more. ♦️Remove any toxicity from relationships so that you can fall more deeply in love with you....
Lead by doing

Lead by doing

Be a role model   Easy ways to be a better leader and skyrocket your results: ♥️ Lead by doing and be a role model, knowing that your actions speak louder than words as an example for others. ♣️ Communicate clearly, concisely, and consistently.  ...
Notice and be curious

Notice and be curious

Take notice and be curious   Powerful ways to be a better leader of yourself and others: ♥️Notice what’s coming into your awareness that you no longer is relevant and needs released. ♣️Be discerning and willing to let go. ♦️Be curious about what you need to keep...


Without judgment   What will stay and what will go 9 energy in October asks you to be discerning and release all that’s no longer aligned for you, so that you are aligned in your value and self-worth. What will stay and what will go? No judgment – discernment...
Commit and discern

Commit and discern

Be dedicated and committed to your purpose     September has put the spotlight on whether you are dedicated and committed to your purpose, to getting the results you say you want, to investing in the support you need to keep going amidst the fast pace of...
Relationships are front and center

Relationships are front and center

First and foremost is your relationship with self and with your soul Every other relationship depends on and is influenced by that.     Use these hot tips to be a better leader of you and others: ♥️Let go of your need to control and surrender to being in the...
Set your intentions

Set your intentions

and let your intuition be your guide     Use these hot tips to be a better leader of you and others: ♥️Set your intentions and check they are aligned. ♣️Choose your own freedom. ♦️Let your intuition be your guide. ♠️Learn through doing. ♥️Be deeply curious,...