Decode the Deck:
Find Your Path to Clarity and Purposeful Living
Even if you’re at a crossroads in life, the path forward is right in front of you.
Grab a deck of cards and this book to find your way.
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Decide: Choose Your Own Path
Want to learn my signature PATH approach to making empowered decisions that serve you and your best interests without guilt or hesitation? I lay it all out and walk you through applying it for yourself in this book.
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Ever been worried about making the right choice?
You’ve a decision to make and you’re not sure how to go about it?
So many of us women live our whole lives for others, making choices based on the impact our decision will have on those around us.
You’re ready to change all of that, yet you’re not sure how.
You wish you knew how to ditch the shoulda, coulda, wouldas, and live a life you truly love.
You feel life is passing you by, and that your dream will die with you, yet your life is so full and a part of you believes that change will take time you don’t have.
“The day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.”
Anais Nin
When the pain of continuing in the same-old ways becomes more painful than your willingness to explore new possibilities, in Decide – choose your own PATH, you’ll transition into who you choose to be.
The PATH approach is a sure-fire way for you to make effective and empowered decisions.