Have you ever felt really, really alone?
I have.
Many times during my life.
I was reminded of what that felt like recently…
Writing away happily at my desk, writing my book truth be told. Twas getting late in the afternoon, about the time I usually check my email, when I realized I had no internet!!!
That certainly wasn’t part of my plan!
I proceeded to check all the tech stuff, reset things, turned it off and on again … all to no avail. On the surface everything all appeared fine.
The puzzle became larger when I tried to phone for advice and discovered I also had no phone line.
Now I was really alarmed.
Ran over to my neighbor and found his phone still worked.
To cut a long story short, a man came late the following morning, found the fault and got everything going again. To my relief.
That situation reminded me of how alone and disconnected I used to feel.
When I didn’t have support.
When I wasn’t part of a mastermind group who has my back at all times.
Even though I couldn’t reach out to them I knew they were there thinking of me, supporting me energetically.
This experience reaffirmed my belief that we all need support to thrive.
We need to know someone has our back.
Preferably more than one someone.
I firmly believe masterminds are a fabulous way for us to share, connect and offload.
To share what’s important to us.
To share what’s going on in our life and in our business.
To share where we need support.
To connect with us where we’re at. Yes we all have friends and family. And they love and support us. The truth is they don’t get where we’re at when we own a business, so it’s hugely valuable for us to connect with women who get us, who understand where we’re at and what we’re going through.
To offload what we can’t carry alone.
To offload when we require assistance.
I believe masterminds are a powerful vehicle allowing us to connect, communicate and converse with like-minded individuals.
Which is why currently I’m hosting some complimentary online virtual mini-mastermind events so you can experience the connection, community and conversation that occurs in a mastermind situation.
I encourage you to accept it as my gift to you and message me so you can receive your personal invitation.
If you like what you’ve read and you WANT MORE, I’d love for you to join my community.
You can, as long as you include this complete blurb with it:
Daphne Wells, Certified Professional Coach, Facilitator and founder of Passion for Growth, guides you to grow your business to full bloom while creating a lifestyle you love so you can make a difference and make money. For many years she has represented highly-motivated, courageous and successful women in business, small business owners, service professionals, coaches, therapists and entrepreneurs.
As an ICF credentialed coach, with a history of birthing and growing small businesses, Daphne has a deep passion for inspiring you to recognise and appreciate your magnificence whilst you grow your fabulously successful business. Her true magic lies in empowering you to do it in a way that’s tailor made to fit YOUR uniqueness.
She lives in the beautiful South Island of New Zealand from where she works with women business owners and entrepreneurs worldwide. She’s President of ICF NZ Southern.
Grab her FREE eBook ‘3 Keys to Get More Clients’ at www.DaphneWells.com
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