Is everything in order … or not?
What is a business check-up and why would you want one?You have medical check-ups, right? Bloods, blood pressure, mammograms, smears and so on.
You take your children for check-ups almost as soon as they’re born. Hearing, eyesight, hips, to name a few.
You go for dental check-ups including x-rays.
You take your car for its warrant of fitness check-up and for maintenance check-ups.
You may take your pets for check-ups too.
So what is a check-up really? While acknowledging check-ups are a part of life including the areas mentioned above, do we really know why we do it?
According to the dictionary a check-up is an examination or investigation to see if something is in order. I’m gonna repeat that: a check-up is an examination or investigation to see if something is in order. We’re not looking for faults, we’re checking that everything is in order, that it’s functioning as we expect, that it’s in an acceptable condition.
A check-up is usually undertaken at regular intervals to verify a normal state of health. Health of your body, health of your car, health of your teeth. We’re not looking for faults, we’re checking all is in order.
A check-up alerts our attention to actions we either need to take now or may need to take in the foreseeable future so that we can maintain order.
Let’s use your car as an example here. When you take it for your warrant of fitness check-up, the vehicle inspector measures the depth of tread of your tyres to ascertain their safety. That measurement becomes an indicator of when they may need replaced; could be now, could be in a few months or in so many miles.
A check-up is not looking for faults. Rather a check-up critiques the current position of your vehicle, teeth, body or business.
The purpose of a check-up is to get a present moment perspective so that you can plan appropriately for your future.
The aftermath of a check-up is a recommendation for actions you may choose to take now or in the future so that you can maintain or improve the current situation.
The bulb in your car headlight may need replacing today so you can pass your warrant of fitness inspection. Your tyres may need replacing in a few months so that you can continue to drive safely.
You’ve probably noticed that I’m currently offering free business check-ups and maybe you’re curious.
Most business owners I speak to are eager to boost their bottom line. They want to increase their revenue.
Do you ever wish you knew what to do next to boost your bottom line?
Your FREE business checkup is where you discover your best next step so you can increase the turnover in your business. That one thing for you to give priority to now.
Is it time you reviewed your business’ state of health?
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Daphne Wells, Inspiritress of Can-do-it-ness and founder of Passion for Growth, guides you to grow your business to full bloom while creating a lifestyle you love so you can make a difference and make money.
Courageous and high-achieving women business owners and leaders all over the globe hire Daphne so they can grow their businesses without sacrificing themselves in the process.
As a Certified Professional Coach, with a history of birthing and growing small businesses, Daphne has a deep passion for inspiring you to BE your best self in every sphere of your life and business.
Her true magic lies in her ability to clarify, to see possibilities, create ideas and inspire you to take action.
For many years she has represented high-achieving, courageous and successful women in business, business owners, service professionals, coaches, therapists and entrepreneurs; all of whom have big hearts and yearn to make a difference as well as make money.
She lives in the beautiful South Island of New Zealand from where she works with women leaders, business owners and entrepreneurs worldwide. She’s President of ICF NZ Southern.
Do you ever wish you knew what to do next to boost your bottom line?
Your FREE Business Checkup is where you discover your best next step to increase the turnover in your business.
Your FREE Business Check-up with Daphne, your Inspiritress of Can-do-it-ness!
Medical checkups, dental checkups, car checkups, pet checkups … what about your business?
At last, here’s where you can have your business check-up to see if everything is in order!
Value $297 – at no cost to you!
Your FREE Business Check-up

T: +643 481 7080
E: info@DaphneWells.com
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