Additionally, that number is constantly rising!
As one of them how do you make sure you receive the support you need to succeed?
Here’s what you need to know about this.
Are you ready to have your very own board of directors?
Not the old, white men in suits kind.
The heart-led, courageous and brilliand, daring and resillient kind.
Currently, I have a fabulous opportunity for heart-led coaches and healers who know they’re ready to be seen, heard and supported by an intimate, inner circle of like-hearted peers, aka your board of directors – 2021 model.
If you’d love this, message me today. We’ll hop on a call where I’ll asked you a few quick questions to see if you’re a good candidate to get the best results. If yes, I’ll invite you in.
No pressure from my end; I’ll only suggest we work together if I am utterly convinced that you’re an aligned client for me.
I look forward to your message.