Trust and explore courageously

by | Business, Leadership, Numerology

Deepen your trust and explore courageously

If you have felt 2024 whizzing by, hold on because the speed is about to accelerate even more.

You will find the ride smoother when you deepen your trust in you, in your soul, in your intuition, in the Universe.

Then you can explore courageously.


August energy


7 energy in August 2024

7 energy this month asks

♥️ you to expand your zone of familiarity

♣️ you to venture into the unknown;

♦️ you to be driven and determined;

♠️ you to be the pioneer exploring and learning through taking action.

All with deep trust in your intuition.


Fast moving month

This energy is resourceful, innovative, creative, courageous and wants success above all else.  This is where the rubber hits the road.

7 energy coupled with the 8 energy of the year means this will be a fast moving, action full month.

Your job is to stay focused and aligned while you keep taking aligned, inspired steps along your path.

How willing are you to take messy action, to move quickly, to just go for it, with no attempt or desire for perfection?



Diamond energy in August

Diamond energy August 1 through 12 invites you to connect with your soul and intuition, with others, and with resources.

Acceptance of what is creates freedom for you to focus on what is important to you and keep going.

It is time for you to invest in the help you need to move forward with ease and flow, and to make decisions that reflect your intentions and desires.


Club energy in August

Club energy August 13 through 25 encourages you to choose where you focus your time and attention, and to commit to going all in.

Be curious and open to where your beliefs, thoughts and ideas are not aligned with your actions and intentions – and realign where necessary.

Trust your inner wisdom as your greatest source of knowledge.


Heart energy in August

Heart energy from August 26 brings new beginnings.

It asks you to be deeply curious and aware.

Self-awareness is key to this energy and to being truthful and honest with yourself.

Trust your heart, your soul, and your intuition.

Belonging requires you to know, love, and trust yourself above anything or anyone else.


New Moon in Leo

New Moon in Leo on August 4 asks you to be courageous, bold, and visible.

It brings new opportunities for you that may appear wild and crazy yet if they are aligned for you may be exactly what you’ve been waiting for.

Step forward into them with courage, fun and childlike play.


Full Moon in Aquarius

Full Moon in Aquarius on August 19 asks you to be you, to take off the masks, and to stop trying to fit in because fitting in means you are denying vital aspects of you.

You may feel fear rise about whether your business will support you in the future.

Hold onto your vision with certainty.

Remember your journey through life is an adventure that you have freedom to choose as you go.


Mercury Retrograde

Mercury is in retrograde August 5 through 28.  This asks you to reflect on your intentions and commitments.

Are they still relevant?

Do they align with future you?

Be open, curious, and willing to look from different angles and perspectives.

Take off your blindfold and see the bigger picture. Stay on your eagle’s perch.

Be clear and concise in your communications.

Not all the details are relevant – listen to your intuition to discern which are relevant and which are irrelevant.


Hot tips for August 2024

♥️ Deepen your trust,

♣️ be guided by your intuition,

♦️ explore courageously,

♠️ put on your pioneering hat and venture into the unknown taking aligned steps.





Want to turn your overwhelm and self-doubt into self-mastery and fulfiling, extraordinary leadership so that you so that you experience the growth and success you want in much less time and with much less effort than you’re currently exerting, even if you don’t believe it’s possible without working yourself to the bone?  Book a free consultation with me to find out how.

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about the author

Daphne Wells coaches women to design a life and business that feels free by helping to release expectations that don’t resonate and fully embrace what makes them happiest. An advocate for independence and author of Decide – Choose your own path, Daphne helps women find their inner strength and take courageous action all over the world.

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