Achieve your goals, without feeling drained or alone.
You don’t have to do it all alone!Alone in the café I’d find myself wondering how to improve turnover. How to make it all better. How to entice more patrons to walk down the stairs for their daily coffee fix rather than going to the latest and greatest new café to open in our town.
I remember feeling like the hamster on the wheel. I felt like I was going round and round in circles.
No one understood.
No one ‘got’ it.
What I found most frustrating was that no one had my back.
I felt lonely and alone.
Running round like a headless chook trying to get it all done.
Trying everything! Hoping something would work.
No one else seemed to care.
There was no one supporting me. No one checking up on me.
I felt as though no one cared whether I succeeded or not.
What I would have loved would have been to have someone hold me accountable.
Someone who cared whether I did what I said I would do, and called me out if I didn’t, so that I no longer felt alone in my ‘doing.’
Someone who took the time to check in with me; to ask how I’m getting on.
Cos the truth is if I could have done it alone I already would have!
Accountability in Action provides you accountability, feedback and encouragement so you can feel supported while you’re busily taking action, making progress towards your goals.
Support and accountability are what enables you to stay on track and get stuff done.
I walked away from one business because nobody had my back. I don’t want that for you.
Einstein said that doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results is insanity.
Nothing will change until you do something differently.
Asking for and receiving help is the smart thing to do.
You choose the way you behave. Is it your time to step up?
Are you ready to accept support and be held accountable?
Do you need help staying focused and getting stuff done?
Are you tired of feeling alone while you’re busy doing?
Cos the truth is if you could have done it alone you already would have!
Is it time for you to increase your momentum and productivity so you can achieve the goals you dream of?
At last! Here’s where to receive the support you deserve so you can accelerate your momentum and productivity to achieve your goals without feeling drained or alone.
Accountability in Action: Accelerate your momentum and productivity so you can achieve your goals feeling supported and energised.
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Daphne Wells, Certified Professional Coach, Facilitator and founder of Passion for Growth, guides you to grow your business to full bloom while creating a lifestyle you love so you can make a difference and make money. For many years she has represented highly-motivated, courageous and successful women in business, small business owners, service professionals, coaches, therapists and entrepreneurs.
As an ICF credentialed coach, with a history of birthing and growing small businesses, Daphne has a deep passion for inspiring you to recognise and appreciate your magnificence whilst you grow your fabulously successful business. Her true magic lies in empowering you to do it in a way that’s tailor made to fit YOUR uniqueness.
She lives in the beautiful South Island of New Zealand from where she works with women business owners and entrepreneurs worldwide. She’s President of ICF NZ Southern.
Grab her FREE eBook ‘3 Keys to Get More Clients’ at www.DaphneWells.com
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