Are you present?

by | Business, Numerology

Even though your body is in the room – are you?

Are you – your essence, your spirit, your being – in the room?

Being present with yourself and for yourself is key to everything.

Unless you are willing to be present with and for you, you cannot be present for anyone else.  Neither an anyone else truly be present with and for you.

All we have is each moment in life.  We cannot go back to the past.  We can dream about and wish for the future, yet have to wait to be there.  All we have is now – that’s why is called the present.


Presence is defined as the state of being present.

It comprises of:

💜 who you choose to be in each moment; how you show up

💜 your connection with others

💜 the ways you communicate

💜 what’s important to you; what you stand for


Most people have experienced trying to have a conversation with someone who isn’t interested in your point of view or feelings.  They were not present for you; rather they chose to be absent from you.

They may have been thinking about where they were going after meeting with you, the argument they’d had with their partner over breakfast or their rebellious teenager.  Wherever they were, they were choosing not to be present in the moment with you.

Presence is the opposite of absence.

Being fully present for you occurs with more ease and grace when you know yourself deeply and intimately.




Are you present for you? 

Are you showing up for you?


Are you present mentally? 

Are you in control of your mind?

Are you proactively improving your mental fitness?


Are you present emotionally? 

Are you allowing you to feel your emotions?

Are you feeling your feelings or ignoring them and pushing them down?

Are you processing your feelings and rewriting your stories?


Are you present physically? 

Are you present in your body?

Are you listening to your body?

Are you aware of what your body needs?  Including exercise, food and rest.


When you’re present for you, you can then consciously align your life with you – that is your work in 2022.

When you’re present for you, you are standing in your power.

When you’re not present for you, you’ve given your power away.


Choose you 💃💜

Choose to stand in your power 💃💜

Choose to be present for you 💃💜

Choose to live aligned with your values and beliefs 💃💜


Being conscious and present in each moment means coming back to you, your truth, your values and your inner wisdom over and over again.  It means being aware and self-aware no matter what.

Message me if you’d like my help being present.


If you missed my Presence 2022 – The Energy Forecast for 2022 pop on over here

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about the author

Daphne Wells coaches women to design a life and business that feels free by helping to release expectations that don’t resonate and fully embrace what makes them happiest. An advocate for independence and author of Decide – Choose your own path, Daphne helps women find their inner strength and take courageous action all over the world.

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