Discern what stays

Discern what stays

February asks you to discern what stays and what goes February brings 9 energy which is the ultimate mirror. February begins and ends with a 1 energy day.  February therefore is another mirror. With all the mirrors present this month, February’s energy...
Midlife is magickal

Midlife is magickal

Midlife is a blessing, not a curse   It’s certainly not the crisis we’ve been told it is. Midlife is a privilege because you made it!  Many women, especially in past generations, didn’t. Midlife is a powerful time when you get to choose who you’ll be...
What are you devoted to?

What are you devoted to?

January asks you to decide what you’re devoted to January brings 8 energy that is the energy of devotion, of profound dedication, of flow and momentum with enthusiasm and passion. It wants to go deep rather than be satisfied with superficial fluff and small-talk. Are...
Words have power

Words have power

Your words are powerful Your words are magickal. There’s powerful magick in your words! You have magick on the very tip of your tongue! You are a magickal, powerful being.     Abracadabra Abracadabra is a word that our society has discounted and dumbed down...
Reflective Wrap-up

Reflective Wrap-up

December is your month for reflection as you wrap up your year of conscious realignment   Where are you? How far have you come – what’s changed? What’s next? These are the questions of December.   Reflection is not passive Reflection asks you to...
Success depends on two ingredients

Success depends on two ingredients

Success is up to you! You want success, I know you do! Yet, like most people, you wonder how you can get the success you crave.   Your success depends on your energy and your structure For you to be successful, your unique blend of your energy and your structure...
Determined and patient

Determined and patient

November brings in 8 energy with its momentum and flow In November it’s time to be determined to move forward on the decisions you made in October. Are you determined and staying on your path?     Are you 3 feet from gold?  Don’t stop, because you might be. ...
Four essential steps to creating a life of freedom

Four essential steps to creating a life of freedom

The four essential steps to creating a life of freedom without compromise A table generally has four legs all of which need to be sturdy, stable and equal length for the table to not be compromised. Freedom is not found hiding under the table, rather it is experienced...