Celebrating International Women’s Day 2021

by | Business

Since 1911 women have been gathering to celebrate social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women.

For me, it’s a day of appreciating the achievements of our forebears and recommitting to continue making progress.  The day also marks a call to action for each of us to accelerate women’s equality and to honor all women.

It’s an opportunity for you to do what you can to make a positive difference for women.

If you’re anything like me you’ve been doing that your whole life.

You may, or may not, have heard me share this story before – the lessons in it never grow old and I’m still amazed at the courage, resilience and kindness of 17-year old Daphne.


This has always been a man’s role. Why would I employ you rather than a man?” he asked me.

My 17-year old self wondered why he’d even asked me to the interview if that was his attitude. My mouth said, “If I can do the job as well as a male, why wouldn’t you?”

Thankfully he did. My courage in answering his question that day, as a shy 17-year old, resulted in me quietly and effectively pioneering change in what was a male-only industry, that led to doors opening for women.

It was years later when I realized the enormity of the change I’d instigated through my courage to show up and be me.

Where have you yet to fully realize the impact you’ve had just by being you?

That experience taught me sooooo much and is part of why I do what I do every day.

As a rebel at heart, I’m constantly looking for ways to bring out my uniqueness and show up differently to anyone else. To be true to me and let the real me out. To refuse to be put in a box by society’s norms and expectations. Yet, as a recovering people-pleaser, there’s always been a part of me that doesn’t want to upset people in the process.

My 17-year old self chose not to cause any ructions in that industry. I appreciated my boss employing me and didn’t want to disappoint him. That’s not to say that my first few months were easy; that’s a longer story for another day.

Several years later, when I left there to have my first child, as we did in the 1980s, many of the men who were particularly antsy about a woman getting a man’s job were sad to see me go. They sent me flowers, cards and soft toys with lovely messages. It blew me away realizing how much those men had changed during the time I’d known them, all because my boss chose to employ me and I showed up as me.

Years later, my ex-boss told me I was the best hire he’d ever made! He worked his whole life in that industry employing staff into roles such as the one I’d done; which made that a truly huge compliment and reinforced that we are capable of anything we can imagine.

That said, it’s really only been in recent years I’ve appreciated the depth of the impact that that had on those men, the industry and my life. The moral is: never underestimate the impact that’s possible when you show up fully as you and have everyone’s best interests at heart.

On reflection I realize it took great courage, consistency and strength of will to show up day after day, knowing that I had to work harder and be better at my job than any man would ever have to be, to prove a woman could do the job. Slowly and surely, I earned their respect and trust.

That experience is one of a lifetime of lessons that have come together to create the woman I am today – helping heart-led women get exactly what they want which is more money, more success and more freedom to live the lifestyle they choose for their family – transforming ordinary into extraordinary.


To celebrate and appreciate all women I’ve put together some juicy IWD packages for you designed to deepen your confidence and understanding of who you are and how to show up fully as you.  Here are the details:

IWD offer #1:

Your Freedom Code –a deep dive into your personal inner code detailed in a personalized report – delivered in a 60-minute private call with me to review your report – $333

Comes with bonuses totalling $66:

What’s in a name? Helps you select a name for your business or service that aligns with your energy and purpose – $33

Your Weekly Rhythm – gain an understanding of how your energy attunes to each day of the week – $33


IWD offer #2:

Birthday Spread – This is an insanely powerful secret tool to activate your awareness so you can perceive and receive the blessings, gifts and opportunities that want to come your way in the coming year – detailed report delivered in a 90-minute private call with me – $456

Comes with bonuses totalling $188

Why am I here? Discover who you are, why you’re here – your purpose, who you’re here to serve – your ideal client and how to use your gifts to contribute to the world in your unique way – detailed in a personalized report delivered in a 30-minute private call with me – $188


IWD offer #3:


Family or Team Dynamics – Increased understanding and confidence in your relationships with others and with yourself – 3 or 4 individual reports delivered in a 60-minute private call with me, addons available – $555


Relationship Dynamics – Increased understanding and confidence in your relationship with your significant other or work colleague – 2 individual reports delivered in a 60-minute private call with me – $444

Comes with bonuses totalling $132 – $264:

What’s in a name? Helps you select a name for your business or service that aligns with your energy and purpose – $33

Your Weekly Rhythm – gain an understanding of how your energy attunes to each day of the week – $33


How to get them …

These super-juicy bonuses are available until 5.59pm Thursday 11th March NZDT, that’s 11.59pm Wednesday 10th March ET.

Make your selection over at https://daphnewells.com/numerology/  and I’ll add the bonuses for you.

For New Zealanders, email me with your chosen offer and I’ll send you what you need to invest in NZD.



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about the author

Daphne Wells coaches women to design a life and business that feels free by helping to release expectations that don’t resonate and fully embrace what makes them happiest. An advocate for independence and author of Decide – Choose your own path, Daphne helps women find their inner strength and take courageous action all over the world.

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