What’s up with your team?
You know there are issues, yet you are too deep in the trenches to see them.
That’s why a team audit is the perfect solution for you to get an objective view of where your team is at currently so you can see what’s really happening.
Clues that you need a team audit:
Dramas are a regular occurrence as evidenced in conversations focusing on personal issues and gossip. This creates rifts, distrust, and apathy amongst individuals.
Lack of self-responsibility that shows up as staff finger-pointing rather than solution-seeking.
Missing deadlines and working at a slower pace than is desirable that means clients are upset so that you need to step in to pacify the situation, while also prodding staff to get on with the job.
Misunderstandings and confusion occur frequently because staff communicate poorly or not at all.
Attitudes of team members for the most part are negative, staff appear apathetic, and disengaged.
The office atmosphere is tense which makes working together difficult as people avoid having crunchy conversations.
Staff seem unaware of their goals, are reluctant to take ownership of their assigned tasks and hold themselves accountable, and are not willing to see the bigger picture.
Staff turnover and absenteeism are high, with new team members rarely staying for long.
While staff may follow directions, they do so for the most part without showing initiative; instead they seem only willing to do the bare minimum.
Even though you hold regular staff meetings, trainings, and social events they don’t result in positive changes and you wonder whether they achieve anything apart from ticking boxes.
Profit leaks
Every single one of these clues you notice in your workplace is leaking profit and costing you time, energy, and money.
In your audit, we diagnose your biggest priority areas to improve performance and productivity, and increase your profits.
Why are some employees more productive than others?
I wondered for the longest time and clients kept asking “how can I get x to work harder?”
You’ve seen it too – some employees pump out the work consistently – on time and up to standard while others dawdle, always last minute or missing deadlines.
As a business owner you realize that the less productive employees are the more profit they cost you.
Over time the Productivity Grid was born.
We use the Productivity Grid in your Team Audit.
The Productivity Grid
The Productivity Grid shows you why some employees are more productive than others.
Placing your team on the Productivity Grid quickly identifies where you can achieve quick wins.
Productive vs unproductive
Staff who sit on the productive side of the grid are capable and get work done, while those on the unproductive side need chased for you to see results and are consistently late completing work.
Proactive vs reactive
Those on the proactive half of the grid use initiative and instigate action, while those on the reactive half require micromanaging and respond after the event.
The four quadrants of the Productivity Grid
Looking at the four quadrants of the grid, these are high level identifiers for each:
Profitable Powerhouses
Profitable Powerhouses are those staff who
❤️are calm consistent achievers;
♣️are very capable with
♦️oodles of get up and go.
Highly productive – they get on with the job regardless of distractions.
They are consistently focused and engaged.
Profitable Powerhouses
❤️take responsibility for their assigned roles and tasks, and
♣️hold themselves accountable to agreed timelines whilst
♦️keeping you informed of any challenges they have.
These are staff who complete work on or before time and to a high standard.
They are potent, valuable employees who make you more profit than any other of your employees.
Dynamic yet Disorganized
staff are capable of getting their work done on time yet they constantly let you down.
They love drama – at times creating it and other times feeding off other’s drama.
Their focus in scattered; their output erratic and haphazard.
With a mind that wanders all over the place they remind you of the proverbial roller-coaster.
Their hit and miss, chaotic behavior may mean others perceive them as unreliable and high-maintenance.
You find yourself having to micromanage to get work completed on time even though you know that distracts you from the work only you can do.
You think to yourself “if only I could find a way to have him focus on the task in hand ”.
Disgruntled and Disengaged
These employees can be inconsiderate and dismissive of others’ feelings and needs.
These are your office stirrers,
often irritated and annoyed,
they push others’ buttons and cause drama.
Sometimes indignant and sullen, at other times just plain bad-tempered and discontent they create waves in their wake, upsetting clients and staff.
Consistently late completing work, you find yourself chasing and pushing them to see results.
Even though they have the knowledge and skills to do their job, you get the message they’re doing you a favor and only there for the pay-check.
Costly Quagmires
are those employees who play the victim – act the ‘poor me’.
They are needy and require micromanaging to get any results.
That means they are very expensive in terms of
⏰your time,
️♀️your energy, and
your profit.
Before you realize it you can be sucked into over-giving to them at the expense of you and others on your team.
When you choose to tolerate below par productivity you are actively choosing to deplete your profits.
Your Team Audit
A Team Audit will identify actionable strategies that help your team become more productive so you make more money.
This is a tailored audit of your team to support owners, senior managers, and leaders of small businesses with teams of 3-30, who are ready and eager to improve productivity by 30% or more without drama.
You know that when you improve productivity you increase profit.
You will receive immediately actionable strategies to set your team up to become more productive along with support while you implement.
What’s included and how it works:
Delivered in a 45-minute 1-1 consultation you get a comprehensive team audit where we
- outline immediately actionable strategies that will start to increase your productivity and profitability;
- identify where your staff sit on the Productivity Grid so you know their starting point from which you can track their progress; and
- diagnose your biggest priority areas to improve performance without drama.
You get private messaging access via Telegram for at-your-fingertips-support between our calls.
The following week we meet to review, revise, and refine your plan for moving forward.
The outcome
You’ll walk away with effective and readily implemented strategies to:
- improve the performance and productivity of your staff that we’ve tailored and refined for your team and you;
- get your staff more deeply engaged which means they’re more loyal and will stick around longer; and
- have confidence that you can improve productivity and thereby your profit.
Total value = $888
Book your Team Audit Only $99 for month of March – investment will increase to $444 on April 1st.
“I would have paid a fortune for this back when I had a team of staff in my business. It truly is game-changing having someone else see what you can’t and giving you strategies to implement to make positive lasting change in your business.”
Book your Team Audit.