Honor your feelings

by | Business, Numerology

June invites you to feel and to honor your feelings

5 energy in June wants you to feel playful and be curious. It wants change, evolution, expansion, and growth. And it encourages you to observe and explore, to switch up old routines and habits.



How willing are you to choose what’s important to you over what others expect of and/or from you?


June’s energy wants you to trust your heart, to honor your feelings and to realign in relationships, using boundaries and discernment.

How willing are you to allow your heart to learn the lessons? 





Trust yourself

What’s something you’re willing to do that you’ve never done before?

It’s up to you to trust the process, to make powerful choices, knowing that change is the only constant.

In what situations are you willing to run to your fears rather than away from them?


Jupiter energy

On June 4 universally we all move into Jupiter energy.

Jupiter wants you to increase your self-belief and your openness to receive the blessings of life, remembering you are loved and supported no matter what.  You never need to sacrifice yourself to receive what you desire.

Jupiter energy wants you to surrender into the belief that you deserve to receive all good things in abundance – love, support, celebration, connection, and blessings without needing to earn them.

This is time for you to keep on going, to stay focused, and to maintain the momentum you began in Mars.


Spade energy in June

Spade energy June 1 thru 3 asks you to choose your own transformation and your connection to your soul, your spirit.

It invites you to feel into and surrender to the unseen.

Release what is getting in the way of your relationship with your soul.


Diamond energy in June

Diamond energy June 4 thru 16 asks you to get out of your own way, and focus on what’s important as you lead committed and dedicated.

Do not sacrifice your own self-worth.

Being responsible for your own health and wellbeing, physically active outdoors in nature is a necessary part of your unshakable foundation.


Club energy in June

Club energy June 17 thru 29 wants you to be in the flow of momentum, riding the current knowing the energy the universe is sending to support your focus and inspired actions.

Stay focused and keep moving regardless of what occurs around you.  Your responsibility is to be committed and dedicated to your purpose, and to be guided by your intuition every step along your path.


Heart energy in June

Heart energy makes its entrance to 2024 on June 30.

It asks you to choose your heart and to lead from your heart. Choose play and celebration over doubt and anxiety.


New Moon in Gemini

New Moon in Gemini on June 6 invites you to focus on making new connections – to get out and meet new people, either in real life or virtually; to network, collaborate and brainstorm.

Pay close attention to hear the pearls of wisdom, the whispers of your intuition, the nudges of your soul as they are your keys to making decisions rather than swirling in indecision.


Full Moon in Capricorn

Full Moon in Capricorn on June 22 invites you to see where you’re sabotaging your own self-care and habits.

It’s time to stay focused and keep on moving, asking for extra support when required.

Your beliefs may feel unclear, foggy even and when that happens ask yourself whether they are facts or feelings. Be willing to let go of those that are no longer aligned.


Want to turn your overwhelm and self-doubt into self-mastery and fulfiling, extraordinary leadership so that you so that you experience the growth and success you want in much less time and with much less effort than you’re currently exerting, even if you don’t believe it’s possible without working yourself to the bone?  Message me to find out how.

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about the author

Daphne Wells coaches women to design a life and business that feels free by helping to release expectations that don’t resonate and fully embrace what makes them happiest. An advocate for independence and author of Decide – Choose your own path, Daphne helps women find their inner strength and take courageous action all over the world.

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