There’s gold in them thar hills!
Mining for gold …Roaming tussock clad hills amongst the many rocky outcrops on a frosty winter’s morning rugged up in my warm jacket, hat and mittens.
I was a young girl on an exploratory mission, relishing the isolation and the freedom.
Dreaming and imagining what it’d have been like to live back then in the midst of the gold rush. Living in a tent, under a rock or, if I was really lucky, in one of the stone cottages whose remnants I absolutely loved exploring. As well, I was constantly on the look-out for indentations in the ground.
Whenever I came across what looked like a hollow piece of ground I’d take care to check it out. I didn’t want to fall down an old mine-shaft! Some of them were hundreds of feet deep!
Gingerly I’d throw a rock in the middle of the indentation. Many would land with a thud, remaining where they fell. That told me it was solid ground there.
Where the land wasn’t solid the rock would break through the surface and drop.
At that moment I’d heave a sigh of relief that it was the rock falling rather than me.
I’d hear the rock land deep in the shaft. On many occasions I’d hear rustling as the rock broke through another layer recommencing its fall to its next landing position. As the rock dove deeper into the shaft the sound effects of its movements grew gradually fainter and fainter.
Our lives are similar to that rock falling deeper and deeper as we gain deeper understanding of who we are.
As we grow in our understanding of the world.
As we refine who we are being and how we show up in the world.
As we seek to grow us into who we are designed to become we are mining gold at deeper levels of us in our life.
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Daphne Wells, Certified Professional Coach, Facilitator and founder of Passion for Growth, guides you to grow your business to full bloom while creating a lifestyle you love so you can make a difference and make money. For many years she has represented highly-motivated, courageous and successful women in business, small business owners, service professionals, coaches, therapists and entrepreneurs.
As an ICF credentialed coach, with a history of birthing and growing small businesses, Daphne has a deep passion for inspiring you to recognise and appreciate your magnificence whilst you grow your fabulously successful business. Her true magic lies in empowering you to do it in a way that’s tailor made to fit YOUR uniqueness.
She lives in the beautiful South Island of New Zealand from where she works with women business owners and entrepreneurs worldwide. She’s President of ICF NZ Southern.
Grab her FREE eBook ‘3 Keys to Get More Clients’ at www.DaphneWells.com
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