Trust your knowing

by | Business, Numerology

Wisdom trumps busyness

July’s energy reminds you that your knowing is paramount, and that wisdom trumps busyness all day every day.

Your knowing is not mental, it’s a feeling. It’s in your heart and soul, rather than your head.



Innovation leads to inspired action

6 energy is wise and intuitive.  It’s time for you to take intentional action that’s aligned and fosters your purpose.

Innovation occurs in the absence of thoughts, then comes inspired action.  6 energy this July wants you to attend to details, to be organized, logical and aligned as you move forward with your well-laid plans.

This energy brings us a collective cleansing and healing to clear the pathway forward.  Opportunity to observe what you’ve created so far, to check it’s aligned.

Do you want more of that or to change it?

it’s time to decide and keep going.



Spade energy in July

Spade energy on July 1 wants you to stay in momentum, to keep going and to be physically active, ideally out in nature so that you reconnect with what’s truly important for you.

Trust yourself, ground in nature, connect with your soul, and focus on your purpose.


Diamond energy in July

Diamond energy July 2 thru 14 invites you to be playful, to choose for everything you do to be fun and enjoyable, to sprinkle joy on it as you would salt and pepper.

July is time for you to go all in on pursuing your purpose and passion.

Celebrate with excitement and anticipation of what more is to come.

Give yourself permission to find joy in what you choose to focus on.


Club energy in July

Club energy July 14 thru 27 asks you to trust – yourself, your heart, your soul. and to take a leap of faith, to make a new decision, and to take inspired action.

Learn by doing rather than getting lost in your head or stuck in a learning loop.

Get outdoors and be physically active.


Heart energy in July

Heart energy from July 28 wants you to accept what is, to connect with your soul and intuition.  Make decisions that move you forward and then take aligned inspired actions.


New Moon in Cancer

New moon in Cancer on July 5 invites a new approach and asks you to review your boundaries. Take the opportunity to review and consider whether you’re being rewarded enough for your work.

Is it time to raise your prices or ask for a pay raise?

What or who drains your energy?

Consider what support you need that you’re not currently receiving.


Full Moon in Aquarius

Full moon in Aquarius on July 21 asks you to trust yourself and communicate clearly. Where are you giving too much to others?  Let go of the expectations you’re holding in relationships, both with yourself and others so that you accept what is and trust yourself to ask for what you want.


Saturn energy universally

On July 27 we move into Saturn energy collectively.

Saturn energy gives you feedback and brings you back on track.  It’s time to get out of the weeds and back on your path.

Saturn energy holds you accountable.

Did you do what you said you would?

If yes, keep on going.

If not, get started, now.

Essentially it’s telling you to “deal with your shit so you can have what you want”.



Are you ready to turn your overwhelm and self-doubt into self-mastery and fulfiling, extraordinary leadership so that you so that you experience the growth and success you want in much less time and with much less effort than you’re currently exerting, even if you don’t believe it’s possible without working yourself to the bone?  Message me to find out how.


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about the author

Daphne Wells coaches women to design a life and business that feels free by helping to release expectations that don’t resonate and fully embrace what makes them happiest. An advocate for independence and author of Decide – Choose your own path, Daphne helps women find their inner strength and take courageous action all over the world.

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