Choose, Decide and Do

by | Business, Numerology

It’s up to you

To choose, decide and take inspired action.

2 energy in March encourages aligned connections with yourself, your soul and others; with resources, people and opportunities.

March’s energy is confident and trusts the unseen.  It will support you to connect problems with solutions and integrate ideas.

Your intuition is front and center in this energy – always listen, trust and be guided by your intuition.


Universal 2 energy


2 energy reminds you you have a deep inner responsibility for your own spiritual transformation and potential.  It’s up to you.  No gurus, no hero coming to save you.


March wants you to choose

Choose to align and realign as required.

Choose connection.

Choose to be guided by your soul and intuition.

Choose to create.

Choose, decide and do.



Time for you to create magick

It’s time to get out of your head and create magick, aligned and in integrity.

Time to be aligned and on purpose – always.

Time to practice what you preach; to do what you say you will.

Time to do the work; to take aligned action one step at a time.


Create space

Create space for your intuition to play with new ideas and innovation.

Then choose, decide and run with your aligned, inspired ideas.


How can you support and encourage others on their inner growth and spiritual journey while staying on your own path?

What would it take for you to be aligned and in integrity?


Spade energy in March

Spade energy March 1 through 9 wants you to play and create with deep curiosity.

It’s time to express yourself through your creativity.

There’s always more for you to create.  Go deeper.

How can you serve others and be spiritually connected at the same time?


Diamond energy in March

Diamond energy March 10 through 22 asks you to lead with humility; to trust yourself and your soul; to take bold and courageous action.

Choose to look forward with trust, confidence, excitement, and anticipation.

Choose to be the explorer, moving forward and learning through taking action.

Choose to expand the boundaries of what you previously thought possible and venture into the vast unknown.

Where is your line between risky and reckless?


Club energy in March

Club energy from March 23 reinforces and intensifies your need to choose, decide and devote yourself to what’s next for you.

Choose to connect problems with solutions; gather the resources you need to move forward.


New moon in Pisces

New moon in Pisces on March 10 asks you to make your own wellbeing and mental health a priority.

Create space for you, for your spiritual connection and for your imagination to play.

What new habits can you integrate into your daily routine to support your overall wellbeing?


Full moon in Libra

Full moon in Libra on March 25 may bring some uncomfortable truths into the light that may either deepen or change relationships and in that you may be released from entanglements.

Fairness and justice will be highlighted which may highlight some power struggles.

How unshakable is your foundation? 


Remember you are responsible for being aligned and on purpose – always

How willing are you to take full responsibility for your own growth and spiritual transformation? 



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about the author

Daphne Wells coaches women to design a life and business that feels free by helping to release expectations that don’t resonate and fully embrace what makes them happiest. An advocate for independence and author of Decide – Choose your own path, Daphne helps women find their inner strength and take courageous action all over the world.

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