Decide and take action

by | Business, Numerology

It’s time for you to decide and take action.

The seven energy of October asks you to take a leap of faith, to choose and to decide.

The universal energy is asking you to take action, to choose your path and move forward on it.  As you take risks and try new ways of being this month you’re encouraged to trust you, to trust your intuition, to trust spirit, to trust your soul.

What is your path?


During October you’re invited to take action, to move forward, to grow, to evolve, to share your magickal gifts with others, to expand and stretch, to do what you previously hadn’t thought was possible, to share your feelings with others, to be vulnerable.  As you do, you’re encouraged to do so with your focus on your higher purpose.

Why are you here?

What are you here to share with the world?



We start October on an 8 energy 8 of Diamonds day that asks you to consider what is your intention in your momentum?

As you are taking action what is your intended outcome?

After a couple of days to settle into the new energy of October we launch 3 full manifestation cycles this month.


Diamond energy in October

Invites you to focus on your higher purpose and be willing to take risks to make progress towards furthering your spiritual purpose and evolution.

Why are you here?  How can you do more of that?

Where are you willing to explore more and learn from taking action?

What will deepen your dedication in your value as you lead by example?

Club energy in October

Invites connection.  Connection with self.  Connection with others.  Connection with your message.  Connection of situations and solutions.

Club energy this month asks you to integrate everything you’ve learned up till now and use your knowledge and wisdom to propel you forward to making the progress you dream of.  And to be aware of the many ways can you role model this for others.


Heart energy in October

Wants you to consciously realign in relationship.  In relationship with yourself, with others, with your message, with your offerings, with your work.

What will help you deepen your commitment to sharing your magickal gifts with others?

Your journey of healing, transformation and discovery is an example for others – where can you hold space and provide opportunities for others to further their transformation journey?


October winds up with us in connection with others and reassessing our integrity and alignment in relationship.

Where are your relationships out of integrity and/or out of alignment?

In this moment what needs to change for you to be in alignment?


When you’re ready for your personal energy reading or forecast make your selection here.


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about the author

Daphne Wells coaches women to design a life and business that feels free by helping to release expectations that don’t resonate and fully embrace what makes them happiest. An advocate for independence and author of Decide – Choose your own path, Daphne helps women find their inner strength and take courageous action all over the world.

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