Determined and patient

by | Business, Numerology

November brings in 8 energy with its momentum and flow

In November it’s time to be determined to move forward on the decisions you made in October.

Are you determined and staying on your path?



Are you 3 feet from gold?  Don’t stop, because you might be.  You’ll have heard the story about the man who gave up just three feet from gold having mined his land for many years gave up, sold his land and moved on.

The new owner dug just another 3 feet further and struck a major gold vein – and made his fortune.

This is the energy of November.

Keeping going with what you know is aligned for you and furthers your spiritual purpose and evolution

Are you determined to be in momentum with ease and flow rather than stressing and pushing?

Without getting caught in either bubble of the eight?

Are you willing to own that you are enough without needing external validation?



November asks you to double down on your commitment to yourself, to be determined

Determination is how you show up when you’ve decided to do something and you will not let anything stop you.

Determination keeps you focused on your purpose, your intentions and the outcomes you want.

Determination derives from an old French word meaning decision.  When you’re determined you’ve decided.  Being determined means you’re committed to the decision you’ve made.


Determination takes patience

When you’re determined and patient you have the commitment to keeping going in pursuit of your purpose no matter what and without being hard on yourself when you don’t get the results you want instantly – good things take time.

Determination requires persistence and consistency

As with everything in life, determination, commitment and patience start with you.

Are you committed to focusing on what’s important to you, whilst acknowledging that others have different values and priorities?

Are you willing to have compassion for you?

Realizing that having compassion for others starts with you having compassion for you.


The double ones of November brings the possibility of being able to see both sides of a situation more so than usual. You may find you have more conversations than usual.

Every day is dominated by emotional energy that reinforces the importance of leading from your heart, leading with love, leading from your intuition, from your inner wisdom – rather than from fear or from ego.

We begin on a 9 energy day.  What wants released as you settle into this months’ energy?


Diamond energy in November wants you to double down on consciously realigning with compassion.

What needs realigned so you can be committed to what’s important for you?

What wants recalibrated as you’re leading with love?


Club energy in November invites you to share in ways you may not have before.

What new knowledge or wisdom are you willing to share?

What new offerings are waiting to be shared with those who need your magickal gifts?

People are waiting, looking for those programs, offerings, services you’ve kept hidden – now is the time to share them.


Heart energy in November is playful, it wants freedom.

It invites you to be curious, to observe and to explore.

Where could you go deeper in your curiosity?


You’ve spent all year adjusting, realigning, consciously realigning, being present in the moment, committing to your purpose and mission.

In November it’s time to double down and go deep.

To maintain your momentum.

To stay the course.

To stay on your path.

It’s time to be your own biggest cheerleader and to have patience with yourself at the same time.

It’s time to take the inspired action, to stay in flow, to be devoted and committed to you.


When you’re ready for your personal energy reading or forecast make your selection here.


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about the author

Daphne Wells coaches women to design a life and business that feels free by helping to release expectations that don’t resonate and fully embrace what makes them happiest. An advocate for independence and author of Decide – Choose your own path, Daphne helps women find their inner strength and take courageous action all over the world.

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