Lead with purpose

by | Business, Numerology

You are the leader you’ve been searching for


June brings 4 energy into 2023 and asks you to lead with purpose. 


4 energy


You are your purpose

Are you willing to care for, trust and love yourself as much as you do others?


Expand your foundation

4 energy is your ultimate foundation providing safety and support for you.

As you grow and evolve you need to expand your foundation over and over again.  To firm it up.  To deepen it.

4 energy always reminds me of a table with four legs.

As a leader your table, aka foundation, needs to be stable so you can stand on top of it.

Hiding under it never enters your thoughts!

Instead, you’re confidently gallivanting on top of it, dancing to your own tune trusting in your certainty that you’ve created it to support you.

As you embody trust more and more your foundation will expand with you




Get into action

4 is a physical energy so taking action, spending time in nature and being physically active are all important this month.


All four energies

June is the first of the only two months each year that have all four suits from a deck of cards, all four energies present in the month.

June welcomes Heart energy into the year with the King of Hearts making his entrance on June 30th.  King of Hearts energy asks you to be dedicated to leading by example and to consider how your actions affect others.


Spade energy in June

Spade energy in June encourages you to

  • be dedicated as you lead yourself forward;
  • use both your inner and outer strengths; and
  • keep on going even when the going gets tough so your momentum buoys you forward.

How willing are you to incorporate the unseen into your leadership?

Diamond energy in June

Diamond energy in June asks you to

  • lead with creativity;
  • do what you’ve not done previously;
  • play and celebrate rather than criticizing and comparing.

Where are you able and willing to introduce more fun and excitement into your life and business?

In what situations would it help to pretend that leading with purpose is a game that you get to play every day?


Club energy in June

Club energy in June wants you to

  • take that leap of faith,
  • trust like you never have previously, and
  • be bold and courageous in your leadership of self and others.

You’re being asked to be an explorer, a pioneer, to expand the boundaries of what you thought was possible up until now.

How willing are you to step into the unknown and do what you’ve not done previously?


Heart energy in June

Heart energy in June invites you to

  • connect with your purpose in a deeper way;
  • trust your purpose and
  • be the leader you’ve been searching for.

As you embody trust more deeply you become a stronger role model and show others how to lead.


Embody trust

When you embody trust more deeply, you become expand and strengthen how you lead with purpose.

You own your power and your purpose with greater confidence and wisdom than you ever thought possible.

You lead responsibly without sacrificing yourself in the process.


When you’re ready for your own personal energy reading or forecast, you can choose from this selection.




Want to know 3 things you need to focus on in the next 3 months to make more money and have more freedom?

Book your f.ree Freedom Session at https://speakwithdaphne.com

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about the author

Daphne Wells coaches women to design a life and business that feels free by helping to release expectations that don’t resonate and fully embrace what makes them happiest. An advocate for independence and author of Decide – Choose your own path, Daphne helps women find their inner strength and take courageous action all over the world.

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