Opportunities abound!

by | Business, Numerology

Opportunities are everywhere – are you open to receiving them?


March 2023 is the month of new beginnings and opportunities abound for you to move into the next phase of your growth and evolution.

You’re invited to be deeply curious and trust you’ll know which opportunities are aligned and on purpose for your life and business.


While opportunities abound, universal energy in March asks you to

be curious and embody trust in the unseen as you walk your talk, receive new opportunities and initiate new choices and actions.



March is your fresh start

You’ve tied up so many loose ends and released so much during the past couple of months.

March with it’s 1 energy is effectively the energetic new year – the beginning of 2023 for real.



The deeper you embody trust, the more safe, secure and solid you’ll feel with yourself and to share your magickal gifts with the world. 

How open are you to spiritual opportunities rather than limiting yourself to practical, physical opportunities?

While you may be tempted to overthink, trusting and taking action are your go-to to avoid yearning for the past.


Spade energy in early March

Spade energy in early March helps connect you with new opportunities.

As opportunities present themselves and you select which are for you at this time, go deep within, allow space to listen to your higher self and be curious as to whether they’re aligned and on purpose for you.

Are you willing to step into a new version of you as you welcome in new opportunities?


Diamond energy in mid-March

Diamond energy in mid-March wants you to ensure you practice what you preach. That your actions align with your words.

Where are you focusing too much on your own needs rather than serving others?

Or the other way round?

Diamond energy in March wants to feel appropriate balance between the two.

Club energy later in March

Club energy later in March encourages you to move into the next phase of your personal growth.

Have you set clear intentions for the new opportunities and ideas you’re initiating?

Are you willing to share your experiences humbly and honestly with others?


When you’re ready for your own personal energy reading or forecast, you can choose from this selection.

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about the author

Daphne Wells coaches women to design a life and business that feels free by helping to release expectations that don’t resonate and fully embrace what makes them happiest. An advocate for independence and author of Decide – Choose your own path, Daphne helps women find their inner strength and take courageous action all over the world.

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