Ordinary or Extraordinary? You get to choose

by | Business, Numerology

It’s a journey from one to the other.

You get to choose where you are on the journey from ordinary to extraordinary.


Your Journey from Ordinary to Extraordinary

When you’re ordinary:

💜 you fit into society easily,

💜 you’re considered usual, normal;

💜 you are who people expect you to be and

💜 people know what to expect from you.

Ordinary has no special or distinctive features.  As an ordinary business you appear to be like others in your field.  Essentially, you’re in a box, fitting in.

If you’re a coach, therapist or hands-on healer who’s ordinary, people will choose you based on whether you’re the lowest price, your location is closest to them or you are better known to them.

As an ordinary on-line business owner, people will choose you based on price, how frequently your posts appear in their feed and how familiar you are to them.

Many ordinary business owners wind up feeling frustrated because clients select based on pricing, which means business can feel like a wibble-wobble.  You wish you could change things up so you can charge more, yet you find it difficult to decide what to change and what to charge; so you either try many different things one after another or you’re stuck in indecision.

There’s a constant battle inside your head raging that swings from one extreme to the other, so much so that you feel scattered, irritable and at times overwhelmed.


At some point, many of us become done with being ordinary, tired of being stuck in a box, which then begs the question:

“How do I know when I’m ready for this journey?”



When you’re ready you’ll be feeling frustrated that you’re treading water in your business, not making the progress you want to, and not growing your business.  You’re wanting to change things up yet scared to in case you don’t get the results you want.

One day, a day not so different from every other day, except that on this day you finally decide you’ve had enough – you know it’s time for change.

You’re now ready to begin the journey from ordinary to extraordinary. You’re ready to move beyond what is expected and normal to what is considered to be exceptional and remarkable.

The journey to get from ordinary to extraordinary starts with acknowledging the good, the bad and the ugly of where you are.  This acknowledgment when coupled with a belief in your own potential that is deeper and more meaningful than the wibble-wobbling attempts of your past, opens you to feeling inspired and open to opportunities and possibilities.  Above all, you are not afraid to fail, you’re willing to try new things and you know you can’t do it alone.


What is on the journey to extraordinary?

💜 Deeper connections with yourself, your intuition, the universe and with others.

You become intimately connected to your purpose, your values and your vision.

You give yourself radical permission to show up fully and without apology rather than being who the world conditioned you to be.


💜 Courageous choices especially regarding who and what you allow to take up space, time, and energy in your life and business.

You get to choose who’s in your inner circle where you are seen, heard and supported more than ever before.

You set your business and life up for recurring, sustainable growth.

You get high-impact results without sacrificing you in the process.


💜 Creative expansion that happens magickally when you’re aligned and aware.

You get to feel safe, solid and secure sharing your magick with the world, and you get to create the lifestyle you choose for your family.

Most importantly, you get to play as you create so that you experience more fun and joy.

In doing so, you become more socially connected and popular especially with those you want to help.


💜 Your trust and confidence grows as you take bold, decisive action.

With each leap of faith you take, the next becomes easier and you make more money than ever before.


💜 Your connection with, trust in and partnership with spirit, source, the universe, your inner wisdom – however you experience that – deepens, intensifies, amplifies and becomes more essential and influential in your life and work.

You know your life has a spiritual purpose; that you are here to grow, transform and evolve; and this aspect of you becomes increasingly prominent.


💜 Opportunities present themselves to you and you seize those that are aligned for you.

More and more people and success come to you as you reflect your growth and evolution in all you do.

In the process you further your spiritual purpose and evolution.

You create continuous, sustainable momentum and growth with ease and flow.

You enjoy increased productivity, peace and happiness.



This is not a journey for the faint-hearted.

Who will you become on the journey?

Your journey to true freedom to live the life you were born for requires courage, determination, bravery, vulnerability, presence and love.

Doing it alone is not recommended.  You and your life purpose benefit most when you choose your inner circle consciously and courageously.

My mission is to help more women help more women.  I was literally born in this lifetime to help you on your journey from ordinary to extraordinary.

If you’d love to be extraordinary, please message me today.  We’ll pop on a quick call where we’ll map out your journey to extraordinary.

I look forward to your message xx


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about the author

Daphne Wells coaches women to design a life and business that feels free by helping to release expectations that don’t resonate and fully embrace what makes them happiest. An advocate for independence and author of Decide – Choose your own path, Daphne helps women find their inner strength and take courageous action all over the world.

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