Walk your path in your shoes

by | Business, Numerology

Choose your shoes and your path

December 2021 – brings in 8 energy of devotion and dedication; of commitment and consistency.  It’s a month to be sure and certain where you place your focus, to be clear about what you value.

December asks you to notice what your intention is.  For everything you do. It’s not what you do is your intention that matters.  It’s not how you do it it’s your intention that matters.

Listen here:


Here’s a summary of the highlights from the video:

While November’s 7 energy was about getting stuff done physically, December’s 8 energy is about doing the emotional, inner work.

8 energy requires you to be aligned in your connection with self – who are you, why are you here.  Your alignment or lack of it is intensified this month.  You have opportunity to refine who are be, how you show up and how you respond.

Your self-integrity is essential for your inner freedom – 2021 has been all about recreating your sense of freedom.  Freedom starts with self-mastery.  Integrity with self is a huge part of that.

December is a full-on month with wrapping up the year personally and in business, seasonal celebrations, family gatherings and holidays.  Whilst you’re busily in the doing of those pause and take time to check in with your intentions.

It’s a time to walk in your own shoes, on your own path.  Not trying on anyone else’s shoes or venturing down their path.

We rounded off November with a 1 energy day and today on December 1st we pop back to a 9 – it’s an opportunity to release what no longer is in integrity with your core values and self-worth.  It’s a day for letting go and putting boundaries in place in preparation for the month.  We do more of this hopping back as January is a 7 energy month, similar to November.

The first week encourages you to focus on the bigger picture, to remember you’re not creating anything alone or in a void.  When you’re connected with and listen to your intuition the momentum you create is powerful.  It’s a powerful reminder that being in integrity with what you value is vital for your well-being and inner freedom.  What’s important for you?  What do you value?

From the 20th, after the full moon on the 19th, there are 10 days where the gap between the seen and unseen will be less obvious.  Be in the moment, in the present, curious about what’s possible.

Want a personal energy reading or forecast?  Shoot me a message.


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about the author

Daphne Wells coaches women to design a life and business that feels free by helping to release expectations that don’t resonate and fully embrace what makes them happiest. An advocate for independence and author of Decide – Choose your own path, Daphne helps women find their inner strength and take courageous action all over the world.

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