What's the time Mr Wolf?
What's the time? What's the time Mr Wolf?What’s the time Mr Wolf?
What’s the time? What’s the time Mr Wolf?
Summer time.
What’s the time? What’s the time Mr Wolf?
Spring time.
What’s the time? What’s the time Mr Wolf?
Vacation time.
What’s the time? What’s the time Mr Wolf?
Christmas time.
What’s the time? What’s the time Mr Wolf?
New school term time.
What’s the time? What’s the time Mr Wolf?
Easter time.
What’s the time? What’s the time Mr Wolf?
Thanksgiving time, and on and on it goes.
“Now’s not the right time for me.”
“I don’t have time right now.”
“I’m already committed to all this other stuff; I really want to but I can’t.”
“Next year would be better.”
“I’ve got too much on my plate at the moment.”
“There’s too much happening, I just can’t cope with anything more.”
“I’m sooooo busy”
Truth is, all of those responses really boil down to ‘it’ not being a priority … yet. Cos when whatever ‘it’ is, (‘it’ being whatever you’re making a decision to choose now or otherwise), becomes a priority you’ll find the time for ‘it’.
Do I have time Mr Wolf?
Do I have time? Do I have time Mr Wolf?
It’s your choice.
It’s always your choice.
It’s totally up to you to choose.
It’s your decision.
You get to choose.
You get to decide.
My cautionary warning here is that when you choose for change to not be a priority you are choosing to stay where you are.
As Neil Peart says “If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice.”
The consequences of that choice will very likely see you exactly where you are now this time next year.
Truth is you’ll always make time for what you choose to prioritise.
What are you prioritizing right now?
Finding new clients?
Achieving your goals?
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Daphne Wells, Inspiritress of Can-do-it-ness and founder of Passion for Growth, guides you to grow your business to full bloom while creating a lifestyle you love so you can make a difference and make money.
Courageous and high-achieving women business owners and leaders all over the globe hire Daphne so they can grow their businesses without sacrificing themselves in the process.
As a Certified Professional Coach, with a history of birthing and growing small businesses, Daphne has a deep passion for inspiring you to BE your best self in every sphere of your life and business.
Her true magic lies in her ability to clarify, to see possibilities, create ideas and inspire you to take action.
For many years she has represented high-achieving, courageous and successful women in business, business owners, service professionals, coaches, therapists and entrepreneurs; all of whom have big hearts and yearn to make a difference as well as make money.
She lives in the beautiful South Island of New Zealand from where she works with women leaders, business owners and entrepreneurs worldwide. She’s President of ICF NZ Southern.
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