What you resist persists!

by | Business

What you resist persists!

Yes, it’s true!
That which you resist will persist until YOU choose otherwise.

Whatever you’re resisting will persist in showing up in your life until you stop resisting it and move through it.

Whatever you truly desire is waiting for you on the other side of your resistance.

Yep, that’s true as well! It’s also another great reason for not allowing your resistance to keep you where you are.

In your comfort zone.
Your safe place.

Wearing that coat you’ve worn for as long as you can remember. It feels cosy. It feels safe. And …

Even though you feel safe there.

Even though life is easier there. You know it well.

You’re comfortable there. You know who you are. You know who to be.

Despite all of those warm fuzzy feelings that elude you and convince you to stay there. To stay small. To stay stuck.

Despite all of that. Your comfort zone, your safe place is in reality your prison.

It’s where you keep yourself trapped.
You hold yourself captive.
Locked into who you were.

You’ve locked yourself into it. You’ve thrown away the key.

The crazy thing is that we’d be more likely to rebel, to break out, if someone else had locked us in.
And because we’ve done it to ourself, because we’ve chosen it, we remain stuck, locked in. Our own captive.

If you were a plant in this situation, you’d be a fake plant, rather than a real alive plant. Cos if you were a real plant and you stayed in your comfort zone you’d die.

The truth is plants don’t stay the same. They can’t.
Plants are either growing or they’re dying. That’s also true for us humans.

Which brings me to question why we choose to stay stuck in our comfort zone.
Locked in our safe place.
Safe in our self-made prison.

Generally, we choose that because while we stay there we’re in control of us.
We know who we are.
We know who to be.

We control us there.
We feel as though we are controlling us.
At least that’s the illusion we believe.

In reality, we’re allowing our old limitations, our self-imposed imprisonment to control us.

The great news is …

You get to choose.
At each and every moment of your life.
You get to choose.

The choice is yours.
Yes, it’s up to YOU to choose for YOU.

To stay in your comfort zone, your safe prison.

Or …

To move through your resistance.
To stretch yourself.
To grow into a new version of you.
To become the YOU you were born to be.
To move closer to your dreams.
Toward that which you truly desire.

What will YOU choose?

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Daphne Wells, Inspiritress of Can-do-it-ness and founder of Passion for Growth, guides you to grow your business to full bloom while creating a lifestyle you love so you can make a difference and make money. For many years she has represented high-achieving, courageous and successful women in business, business owners, service professionals, coaches, therapists and entrepreneurs.
As an Certified Professional Coach, with a history of birthing and growing small businesses, Daphne has a deep passion for inspiring you to recognise and appreciate your magnificence whilst you grow your fabulously successful business. Her true magic lies in empowering you to do it in a way that’s tailor made to fit YOUR uniqueness.
She lives in the beautiful South Island of New Zealand from where she works with women business owners and entrepreneurs worldwide.  She’s President of ICF NZ Southern.
Grab her FREE eBook ‘3 Keys to Get More Clients’ at

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about the author

Daphne Wells coaches women to design a life and business that feels free by helping to release expectations that don’t resonate and fully embrace what makes them happiest. An advocate for independence and author of Decide – Choose your own path, Daphne helps women find their inner strength and take courageous action all over the world.

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