
Reflective Wrap-up

Reflective Wrap-up

December is your month for reflection as you wrap up your year of conscious realignment   Where are you? How far have you come - what's changed? What’s next? These are the questions of December.   Reflection is not passive Reflection asks you to be willing...

Success depends on two ingredients

Success depends on two ingredients

Success is up to you! You want success, I know you do! Yet, like most people, you wonder how you can get the success you crave.   Your success depends on your energy and your structure For you to be successful, your unique blend of your energy and your structure...

Determined and patient

Determined and patient

November brings in 8 energy with its momentum and flow In November it’s time to be determined to move forward on the decisions you made in October. Are you determined and staying on your path?     Are you 3 feet from gold?  Don’t stop, because you might be. ...

Four essential steps to creating a life of freedom

Four essential steps to creating a life of freedom

The four essential steps to creating a life of freedom without compromise A table generally has four legs all of which need to be sturdy, stable and equal length for the table to not be compromised. Freedom is not found hiding under the table, rather it is experienced...

How to grow your confidence

How to grow your confidence

Confidence is a skill Because confidence is a skill you can develop it, you can grow it, you can build it.  That means you are in control of and responsible for how much confidence you feel. When you’re more confident, you’re more organized and feel more in control of...

Decide and take action

Decide and take action

It's time for you to decide and take action. The seven energy of October asks you to take a leap of faith, to choose and to decide. The universal energy is asking you to take action, to choose your path and move forward on it.  As you take risks and try new ways of...

10 years and what a difference!

10 years and what a difference!

10 years 💜🎂 then and now! 10 years ago, my coaching business became real after I registered my coaching company. As I reflected on the changes during those 10 years, I realized there'd been massive growth, evolution and transformation and both me and...

Relationships are life

Relationships are life

Relationships affect everything Relationships are pivotal to your experience of life. Relationships come in many different shapes and sizes, and are everywhere.   Your relationship with you First and foremost, and often underrated, is your relationship with...

Peep into the mirror

Peep into the mirror

6 energy in September asks you to check in with your progress so far this year and to double-down on consciously realigning. September is the mirror of the year energy 2022 as you may recall is the Year of Conscious Realignment      What needs realigned now?...

What is Karma?

What is Karma?

Ever wondered what karma really is? Karma tends to get a bad rap in our society. People throw it around with statements like “Karma will get them”  and “Karma will bite them in their a..e” Some people live in fear that these may come true for them.  My encouragement...

How you can stop actively avoiding success

How you can stop actively avoiding success

As a soul-led visionary leader you know full well you have magick to share with the world.  And you know the world needs it.  NOW. You’ve set the goals.  You’ve done all the things.  And then some more for good measure. You’ve bought all the programs.  You’ve followed...

My biggest mistakes as a leader

My biggest mistakes as a leader

The teenage years ... There wasn’t one in my town and I wanted to be part of one so I got it up and running. I'd had to leave Girl Guides because I was too old to stay any longer. There wasn’t a Ranger unit, which came after guides, in my town and I desperately wanted...

Hey, I’m Daphne Wells.

I’m a speaker, coach, and author helping women to create a life and business that feels free by helping them take courageous actions based on their personal values.

Interested in working together? Book a time to chat to see how I can help you.

Decide – Choose Your Own Path teaches you how to make empowered decisions that serve you and your best interests without guilt or hesitation.