
How you can stop actively avoiding success

How you can stop actively avoiding success

As a soul-led visionary leader you know full well you have magick to share with the world.  And you know the world needs it.  NOW. You’ve set the goals.  You’ve done all the things.  And then some more for good measure. You’ve bought all the programs.  You’ve followed...

My biggest mistakes as a leader

My biggest mistakes as a leader

The teenage years ... There wasn’t one in my town and I wanted to be part of one so I got it up and running. I'd had to leave Girl Guides because I was too old to stay any longer. There wasn’t a Ranger unit, which came after guides, in my town and I desperately wanted...

Be in control of your out-of-control world

Be in control of your out-of-control world

What can you do when everything around you is spiraling out of control and the thought of you being able to control anything seems an impossibility? Although you know that the only thing you can truly control in the world is yourself and how you choose to respond to...

What more is possible?

What more is possible?

August 2022 is the month of Possibilities   5 energy in August is curious and wants to know what more is possible. This month you’ll be grateful for your firm foundation and beneficial boundaries, that you’re aligned, committed and you trust yourself otherwise...

What’s your default way of responding?

What’s your default way of responding?

How do you habitually respond to life’s challenges? Did you know that most individuals and teams: 💜 work too hard, 💜 experience too much conflict, friction and stress, 💜 and vastly underachieve their potential? This occurs because they are...

July 2022 energy forecast

July 2022 energy forecast

Welcome to July 2022 - the month of consciously realigning your foundation. July brings 4 energy that’s all about structure, boundaries and foundation.  It’s about being strong, safe, stable, productive and organized. Think table here – tables have 4 legs – unless...

Mastermind or group coaching – which is it really?

Mastermind or group coaching – which is it really?

This is a conversation I have over and over again. It really is confusing out there when so many coaches and trainers use the word mastermind for what are essentially group coaching programs. Let's dive into discovering the difference between masterminds and group...

Midlife is not a crisis!

Midlife is not a crisis!

What society has labelled the midlife crisis is not the crisis we’ve been led to believe it is. The truth is, it’s part of your life journey. We’ve all heard people talking about midlife crisis as though they’re a bad thing – the word crisis in the name is foreboding...

Creative Expansion

Creative Expansion

June 2022 is the month of Expansion in our year of Conscious Realignment   3 energy is all about creativity, expansion and amplification.  It grows and expands. The overall theme of the month is trusting yourself as you expand creatively whilst being responsible...

Ordinary or Extraordinary?  You get to choose

Ordinary or Extraordinary? You get to choose

It's a journey from one to the other. You get to choose where you are on the journey from ordinary to extraordinary.   Your Journey from Ordinary to Extraordinary When you’re ordinary: 💜 you fit into society easily, 💜 you’re considered usual,...

The Magickal Formula for Sustainable Success

The Magickal Formula for Sustainable Success

Energy + Structure = Success To enjoy success, to be successful, in whatever form that is for you, requires both energy and structure. Your unique blend of your energy and your structure need to be aligned and on point.  Everything else necessary lies within those two...

Integrate in May

Integrate in May

May is the month for you to integrate In our year of conscious realignment, May is the month of integration. Integration is about bringing things together to become one. What will you integrate in May?   You get to choose and decide what you'll integrate. The 2 energy...

Hey, I’m Daphne Wells.

I’m a speaker, coach, and author helping women to create a life and business that feels free by helping them take courageous actions based on their personal values.

Interested in working together? Book a time to chat to see how I can help you.

Decide – Choose Your Own Path teaches you how to make empowered decisions that serve you and your best interests without guilt or hesitation.