Discern what stays

by | Business, Numerology

February asks you to discern what stays and what goes

February brings 9 energy which is the ultimate mirror.

February begins and ends with a 1 energy day.  February therefore is another mirror.

With all the mirrors present this month, February’s energy encourages you to use those mirrors to help you discern what stays and what goes.


 What belongs in your future and what wants left behind?




In this energy, when you view your life from a higher perspective with spiritual compassion, you’re invited to trust that you’ll know you have what it takes to handle any situation that life presents to you. 


9 energy wants you to release and surrender

It’s about completion and trusting what’s happened already and how that will help you move forward from here.

The mirrors will help you recognize and discern what moves forward with you and what wants let go of. In the end is the new beginning.  February prepares you for new beginnings.



Make space for your intuition

February has a minimum of 3 2’s present on every day – as we experienced all through 2022 .  This means you’ll feel pulled to withdraw from the world, to retreat into your inner world.

Your intuition will pull you deeper.  Make space to feel into it and listen, to be guided by your intuition, your inner wisdom rather than listening to all the noise in the outer world.

My recommendation is to schedule alone time for this ideally every day, even if a few moments is all you can manage.


Spade energy in February

Spade energy in February invites you to be curious and creative.

As you embody trust more deeply, you know you have what it takes to discern what stays and what goes, and to handle any situation that comes your way.  You’re encouraged to trust the unseen as you differentiate between what to hold on to and what to let go of.


Diamond energy in February

Diamond energy in February wants you to double down on embodying trust.

To deepen your trust in all aspects of you.

To trust as led by your intuition even though you can’t yet see the outcome.


Club energy in February

Club energy in February is the bridge that connects the old and the new.

It ushers in the new beginnings of March after the releasing energy of February. March is effectively the energetic new year in 2023.

You’ll be called to make decisions about what to let go of in readiness to move forward.

Are you willing to go deep within, to trust what you’re making space for, even though you may not know yet what it is?


When you’re ready for your own personal energy reading or forecast, you can choose from this selection.


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about the author

Daphne Wells coaches women to design a life and business that feels free by helping to release expectations that don’t resonate and fully embrace what makes them happiest. An advocate for independence and author of Decide – Choose your own path, Daphne helps women find their inner strength and take courageous action all over the world.

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