How you can stop actively avoiding success

by | Business, Numerology

As a soul-led visionary leader you know full well you have magick to share with the world.  And you know the world needs it.  NOW.

You’ve set the goals.  You’ve done all the things.  And then some more for good measure.

You’ve bought all the programs.  You’ve followed the step-by-step systems.  And then you’ve thrown it all out the window so you can buy the next bright-shiny-object.

How can you help the people you know you’re here to help and have the impact you dream of with ease and flow?

One way to turn this around quickly is to stop avoiding success, to get super-clear with your intentions and take proactive action steps each day.

What we’ve been told is self-sabotage is actually a team of saboteurs that live inside your head – a chorus of voices and personalities trying to protect you and keep you safe in your comfort zone. Want to know which is loudest in your head? Shoot me a message and I’ll send you a link to find out.

You can train the 3 core mental fitness muscles in your brain to quiet your saboteurs and increase the positive responses of your brain.  That’s part of the work I do with clients in my Extraordinary Leaders Circle, Free At Last private coaching clients and in my Mental Fitness Foundation immersive experience.  Please message me if you’d like to get in on one of these – I promise you, you’ll be sooooooo glad you did!


In the meantime, here are some ways you can stop avoiding the success you say you want.


Do what’s right, even if it’s not what’s easy.

While it’s totally tempting to give in and go with the easier option, long term this is not the wisest plan.  Doing what’s right means doing what’s best for everyone in any situation.  It’s about leaving the world, the piece you have influence over, better than when you arrived.  It’s about maximizing the best available outcome for all.  It’s about kindness and treating others as you’d love to be treated.


Move on.

Deal with stuff that happens so you can begin each day with a clean slate.  We all do dumb things; it serves you to not hold grudges.

Have the hard conversations.  Forgive yourself and others.   Forgiveness doesn’t mean you forget what happened, it simply means you’re letting go of the hope that the past could have been different; you can’t change the past you can only ever change how you perceive it and how you behaving in the moment and in the future.


Have a plan and work your plan.

Strategize your way to success.  Know where you’re headed.  Have clear goals and outcomes.  Have a clear vision for your future before you formulate your strategy and goals to get you there.  Then break your goals down into mini-goals, steps and actions so you keep moving forward one step at a time.  Checking them off provides evidence you’re making progress.


Do what matters and forget the rest.

Know what’s important. Identify your priorities.  What are the 3 vital things you need to do today to move your business forward?  Do those before anything else.

Create before you consume.

Declutter your task list by making effective decisions about what’s important for you and your business.


Structure creates freedom; your schedule structures each day.

Schedule your day, your week and your month.  What you schedule gets done.  Know your natural rhythms and align with them.

Block your time to be more productive.  It’s your life and your business; you have the power to choose and decide what days and times you’ll work, when you see clients, when you answer emails, when you exercise, when you sleep and when you play.


Check your mindset and your energy prior to everything.

Mindset matters.  You choose your mindset in every moment.  Your attitude, your beliefs and your thoughts all determine your results.

You get to choose who you are, in each and every moment.  If you feel positive proceed; if not, stop to adjust.  Do the inner work; and incorporate mental fitness practices into your day, every day.


Have boundaries that serve you.

No is a complete sentence.  Make boundaries your friend.  Boundaries help you decide; they provide a shortcut to realizing your goals as they predetermine what you will allow and what you won’t tolerate.

Boundaries create a safe place for you to create your dream life and business.  Your boundaries create the energetic container for your life.  Boundaries are an indicator that you are committed to you and taking your life and business seriously.


Know what you want and why you want it.

While goals are definitely essential for your success, knowing why you want them is vital.   Your mission and purpose will keep you going when the going gets tough; they are why you do what you do, why you set the goals you set and do what you do.  Magic happens when your vision, your mission and purpose, your values and your goals are all aligned.


Intention trumps everything.

Segment intend your whole day.  Decide your intention for everything you do; for each piece of your day and for your day as a whole.

While goals come from your head, intentions come from your soul and your heart.  Your intentions are how you intend to feel after you’ve achieved your goals, accomplished your tasks, taken that action.  Your intentions incorporate who you intend to be during the process and once you’ve accomplished your goals.


Listen to and follow your intuition.

Trust your own innate wisdom, your inner wisdom knows more than you realize.  Tune into your inner wisdom and trust that inspiration.   The more curious you are, the more you listen and look for your intuitive messages the more you’ll hear, see and feel them.   Start by taking notice of your gut instincts, they’re usually spot on!  Spend time each day purposely getting out of your head so you can listen to your intuition, to your soul, to your heart and to your gut.


Isolation is a dream killer.

Enlist support.  Invest in support.  You deserve it.  Coaching has been proven to be the fastest and best way to grow and develop you and your business.

Whatever you’re wanting to change or improve in your life or business will be more effective, successful and deliver greater results when you have support in the process.


Want help to personalize these for you so you can be more successful with ease and flow?  Book a map your path to extraordinary call with me here.

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about the author

Daphne Wells coaches women to design a life and business that feels free by helping to release expectations that don’t resonate and fully embrace what makes them happiest. An advocate for independence and author of Decide – Choose your own path, Daphne helps women find their inner strength and take courageous action all over the world.

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