What are you devoted to?

by | Business, Numerology

January asks you to decide what you’re devoted to

January brings 8 energy that is the energy of devotion, of profound dedication, of flow and momentum with enthusiasm and passion. It wants to go deep rather than be satisfied with superficial fluff and small-talk.

Are you willing to decide what you’re devoted to?

Otherwise, what’s the point?

8 energy brings together your inner and outer strength – the strength of the lion and the grace of an angel.  It seeks integrity, patience and independence.



This is beautiful energy to accompany the one and only full cycle of Spade energy we experience every year.

8 is quiet and determined energy – yet there’s no stopping you when you embody trust and align with what you’re devoted to.


As you begin your year-long journey to embody trust more deeply, what are you devoted to?


We kick the year off with a 9 energy day and King of Spades.  The reflection of December flows through in the 9 energy of January 1st.  The King of Spades making his annual appearance carries energy of spiritual dedication.

January is the only month of the year we have a full cycle of Spade energy.

Spade energy is all about the unseen, about your spiritual transformation.



Spade energy in January

Spade energy in January wants you to create habits and rituals that honor your spiritual growth and transformation, to create space in your life for regular time to be with your intuition, to hear your inner wisdom, to be with your soul.

As we begin the new year, are you willing to schedule this into each day, or week, even for a short time?

Consistency here is more important than it being a long time every time.


Diamond energy in January

Diamond energy in January amplifies your devotion.  It’s time to get serious about and committed to whatever it is you’ve decided you’re devoted to.


Club energy in January

Club energy in January invites you to be creative and playful as you discover new ways to bring joy and spontaneity into your life.  It wants you to know that devotion doesn’t mean it has to be serious.


If you missed me live sharing the energy forecast for 2023 you won’t want to miss the replay.


Get your personal energy forecast and Freedom Plan to make 2023 your best year yet!

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about the author

Daphne Wells coaches women to design a life and business that feels free by helping to release expectations that don’t resonate and fully embrace what makes them happiest. An advocate for independence and author of Decide – Choose your own path, Daphne helps women find their inner strength and take courageous action all over the world.

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