What to do when you feel like giving up

by | Business, Numerology

“Help!  I feel like giving up!”


What can you do when you feel like giving up?

Make no mistake, you will have days when you feel like quitting.  When you do please remember you are not alone, we all have them.



Knowing that, let’s prepare by being aware of some things you can do when you’re tempted to walk away.

Being prepared, knowing in advance what you can do when you feel like quitting will inevitably go a long way to help you stay in the room.

Here are my top tips to keep on keepin on…


Remember why you started.

What got you started doing what you do?

What motivates you to do what you do in the way you do?

Why you started is why you’ve kept going up till now, even when you weren’t sure you could.

Why you started is the reason you’ve stayed in the room, when you’ve felt like giving up.

Your why is vital to your survival as a soul-led woman. 

Your why is central to your success as a soul-led visionary leader.

Your why is one of the core components of your business foundation.  Like any building, the firmer your business foundations are, the stronger your business is.

Your business foundations are a core piece of my PATH approach to life and business.

When your foundations are firm, you are better able to withstand the storms that life will inevitably throw at you. 


Cultivate daily practices to help you be consistent

When you have a tool box of daily practices that are must-dos – that you do every day regardless of anything else – it becomes easier to keep on going when you feel like quitting.

These practices can include:

💜 Scheduling your daily must-dos and priorities

💜 Connecting with your vision and values

💜 Knowing what to focus on, knowing your priorities and the actions you need to do

💜 Having a sustainable structure and systems to support you

💜 Self-care practices including physical and mental fitness exercises

💜 Scheduling you time


Have a strong support system

Who is in your inner circle – your intimate circle of loyal and loving supporters? 

Ideally you’ll have chosen somewhere between 4 and 10 to be part of your inner circle.

People you trust implicitly.

Who you know for sure you can call on day or night and they’ll be there for you.

People who have your back no matter what.

You get to choose who these people are.

The courageous and brilliant, daring and resilient, soul-led women who join my extraordinary women’s circles have this level of support and love in their back-pocket wherever they go.

After walking away from a business and clients I loved 18 years ago while a solo-mum of 4, I’ve created these circles to provide the love and support I would have cherished all those years ago.

Please message me if you’d love to be part of an extraordinary women’s circle.







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about the author

Daphne Wells coaches women to design a life and business that feels free by helping to release expectations that don’t resonate and fully embrace what makes them happiest. An advocate for independence and author of Decide – Choose your own path, Daphne helps women find their inner strength and take courageous action all over the world.

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